
Principal's blog

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Principal's Blog:


Welcome back to another term! A special welcome also goes to our new families. It is hard to believe that it is already Term 4… Wow… It won't be long until we will be farewelling our Year 6 students to high school and watching our youngest students, the Preps, transition into Year 1!


This term is MASSIVE! As the year draws to an end we begin facing many challenges and excitement around our 2023 classes, staffing and school structure. We also have our Awards Ceremony, Year 6 Graduation and our Year 6 Final Parade. The Year 5 and 6 students are also embarking on their school camps!



In the coming week, we will be sending out letters to parents for unexplained absences. We would like to have all absences explained before we print the report cards at the end of the year. Please follow up any outstanding unexplained absences.

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Remembrance Day Ceremony

On Friday 11 November from approximately 10.30am, the school will assemble in the Hall for a Remembrance Day Ceremony. Students who do not observe the commemoration due to religious or cultural reasons will be supervised in an alternate room.


2023 Enrolments

If you know of someone who is looking at possibly joining our Kalkie family in 2023, please encourage them to make contact with the office to arrange a tour and gather the necessary information. It is important that we are aware of any incoming enrolments to assist with our staffing and class structures. On the other hand, if your circumstances have changed, and you will be leaving us, please also ensure to advise the office. Our school is continuing to grow with many new students joining us in 2023. Previously we have had to have mid-year structural changes happen. Where possible, we like to avoid doing this, so having an idea of our enrolment numbers helps create a smooth start for all families.


Upcoming Dates

Please check the upcoming dates on our website and QParents app. Term 4 is always very busy with many exciting events taking place.


Car Parking & Smoking

Please ensure that you are parking within the dedicated parking spaces and not on the footpath or in the disabled bays (unless you have the appropriate signage). Also, smoking (of any kind) is not permitted outside of the school fence. Smoking products include tobacco products, herbal cigarettes, loose smoking blend, personal vaporisers (such as electronic or e-cigarettes, e-cigars, vape pens) and personal vaporiser related products (e-liquids and e-cigarette parts), smoking related products or packages or cartons of these items. Continued observed breaches will be reported to the Police.


As always, Kalkie SS is great. Our kids are great!


Staffing Update:        


Mrs Lennox has had her beautiful baby boy and started maternity leave. Mrs Heidi Jacobsen, who has been working in P/1L throughout Term 3, will transition to the class full time. Mrs Jacobsen attended Parent/Teacher interviews with Mrs Lennox in Week 9, allowing her the opportunity to meet some of the parents of the children. Don't be a stranger- pop in and say hi!


Mrs Melinda Clancy will commence one day a week in 1/2J with Mr Jones. Mrs Clancy transferred from Bundaberg East SS and is now a permanent teacher at Kalkie SS. Mrs Clancy is returning from maternity leave, and will work each Friday in 1/2J, allowing Mr Jones to continue to support our Inclusion Team. Mrs Clancy is excited to be a part of the Kalkie crew and comes with vast teaching experience and a keen interest in coding, robotics and digital technologies. Welcome Mrs Clancy!


Due to unforeseen personal circumstances, Mrs Cara Willes will not be able to continue in the role of Business Manager. I am in the process of trying to fulfil the position for Term 4 and beyond. We are extremely grateful for the work that Cara has achieved in the short time she has been at Kalkie, replacing Katlynn while she is on maternity leave. Cara has been an asset to our team.


Mrs Smith will be on leave until Week 7.


Mrs Findlay is on leave in Week 3. Mr Peter Jordan (Deputy Principal) will be the Acting Principal for the week.


Wellbeing & Behaviour:​

Fortnightly Focus: Worry

This fortnight we are focusing on worry. A worry is any thought or idea that makes you feel upset, nervous or uncomfortable. It is important that kids are able to name the things that make them feel worried. Often it is helpful to write these down or say them out loud.


Quote of the Week:

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Workplace Health, Safety & Wellbeing:

COVID-19 Mandate Changes:

Queensland Health has published new Guidelines for a person diagnosed with COVID-19 or symptoms of acute respiratory infection, which replaces the Management of Diagnosed Cases of COVID-19 and Close Contacts Direction (No. 5).

I encourage you to read the new guidelines, as they apply to any person who has symptoms of an acute respiratory infection or has tested positive to COVID-19. 

The Guidelines for a close contact in Queensland - COVID-19 also provides information for those who have been in contact with a person who has tested positive to COVID-19.

The guidelines

While there is no longer a public health direction in relation to isolation, the guidelines recommend that you stay at home and isolate after testing positive to COVID-19, or if you have any symptoms of an acute respiratory infection.

It is recommended that you should not return to work until your symptoms have substantially reduced, and you have gone for at least 24 hours without a fever requiring the use of fever-reducing medications such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

It is also recommended that you wear a face mask when in an indoor setting (when outside your home), for at least 7 days after testing positive to COVID-19.

Message from Minister for Transport and Main Roads:

In a world-first road safety initiative, new speed camera technology will soon target speeding drivers at selected school zones across Queensland.


Everyone has a role in keeping our roads safe. It is imperative drivers reduce their speed to the signed 40 km/h speed limit and be aware of activity by students on or near the road.


Speed cameras will only operate during school zone times at the selected schools.


Parents and carers dropping off or picking up students are urged to comply with school zone speed limits. Those who slow down will not be penalised.


Monthly Community Challenge:

Each month, the staff of Kalkie SS select a charity to support and generate awareness. Throughout October, the staff will support 'Polished Man'. The Polished Man campaign encourages people to actively take a stand, paint one nail to spark up important and powerful conversations, and raise awareness and funds to end violence against women and children. The funds raised support trauma prevention and recovery programs in Australia and around the world that aim to stop violence before it can occur, as well as helping survivors on their road to recovery.

Student of the Week: (Week 9)

PHLane B3/4KSavannah A
PMHendrix T4/5BAidy J
P/1LBrooklyn V5/6CMarnie G
1SHarri J5/6GHHeath A
1/2JDaisy N6KAmelia C
2HJordyn WLOTEKiera G
2/3KLucas TPEN/A
3JCooper D  

*No Parade in Week 10


Student of the Week: (Week 1)​

PHArher H3JLuca S
PMSilas J3/4KZali I
P/1LVincent J4/5BEmily C
1SHarper W5/6CHallee M
1/2JCamden S5/6GHBonnie G
2HElijah F6KLeigham D
2/3KLylah K  



Student of the Week: (Week 2)

PHSilas S3JRileigh G
PMWilliam M3/4KHayden F
P/1LSamuel S4/5BDelilah F
1SIsaac T5/6CTyler T
1/2JAria J5/6GHAlyza B
2HLuis L6KLinkin C
2/3KHudson BDig TechBonnie G




Community Notices:


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Last reviewed 18 October 2022
Last updated 18 October 2022