Our very own Olympian
Mrs Tracey Proctor is a para-olympian swimmer who achieved Bronze and Silver at previous Olympic games. With the Olympics beginning very soon, she talked to the students in years 4-7 about the para-olympics and the amount of effort, resilience and committment it takes to become an athlete in the chosen sport. She was able to show them her medals, along with her torch from the 2000 games. The students had many questions and thoroughly enjoyed the discussion.

Athletics Carnival
What a great day was had by all. Students are conggratulated on their sportsmanship, behaviour and effort. Many thanks to all the help and support, particularly Mr Tilley for preparing the grounds.
P&C Overall Trophy Kangaroos
Team-Spirit, Pride & Commitment Kangaroos
Principal's Trophy Kookaburras
Field Events Koalas
Track Events Kangaroos